Cosmetıc Nose Surgery
What is nose surgery (Rhinoplasty)?
A popular procedure that modifies the shape and size of the nose both for aesthetical reasons and also to correct structural defects that may cause breathing problem. (It is not recommended for children under the age of 17 when the nose is fully developed). Your skin quality as well as the size and shape of your nose and its relationship to your other facial features will be taken into consideration and in some instances chin surgery which can be done at the same time, may be recommended to improve facial balance.
Who is a suitable candidate for nose surgery?
One or more of the following conditions may indicate that you are a good candidate for nose surgery:
· Your nose is too big for your face
· There is a bump on the bridge of the nose when view in profile
· The tip droops / thickened or enlatged
· Your nostrils flared excessively
· Your nose is off center or crooked
· Previous surgery has created an asymmetric appearance.
How is the nose procedure performed?
Rhinoplasty can be performed either using an internal or external surgical approach. The internal surgery approach allows all the incisions to be hidden inside the nostrils. Therefore there is no evidence of any cuts or scarring on the outside of the nose after surgery. The external (Open) approach to nose surgery provides the best exposure to the nose, it is recommended when treating the more difficult problems and leaves a small scar under the nostrils. Small incisions are made inside the nose, the skin is seperated from the underlying supporting framework of bone and cartilage. The bone and cartilage are then sculpted to the desired shape. Possibly with grafts and/or sutures used to increase the strength of the nose and/or building up of the nasal bridge with the patients own cartilage or bone.
Duration of operation; 1.5 Hour (under general anesthesia).
Hospital stay – 1 night.
What to expect immeiaitely after surgery?
Patients leave with a splint placed on the nose to protect and keep the structure stable for 5-8 days. Packing may be placed inside the nose during surgery to be removed 1-3 days after surgery. Your face may be puffy with some bruising often under the eyes but this should disappear within the first week after the operation. It is important that everyone knows that not everyone will achieve the same results from surgery.
How long will it be before I can get back to my normal life?
Recovery varies from patient to patient but 7 nights stay is recommended in Turkey. Most patients can return to work after 1 week. Final results may take longer to be seen, upto 12 months once all the swelling has gone.
Can nose surgery be performed without a scars?
Scars are part of the healing process following an operation but by following the surgoens guidelines with time they will fade and become barely perceptible.
Rhinoplasty is one of the most complicated surgery to perform in cosmetic surgery, particularly revisions. The nose performs a critical function so we are constantly balancing the need to optimize that function whilst providing the desired result in terms of aesthetics. Nose surgery is performed to create a nose that is natural and blends harmoniously with your other features, the procedure does not offer perfection but improvement.
Aesthetic Eyelid
The thinnest skin on our body is at the eyelids. For this reason the earliest signs of aging will be evident at the eyelids. Loose skin and puffy bags are seen at both upper and lower eyelids. The excess fat tissues are evident at the lower eyelid and are visible as fat bags and swelling. All these changes give the patient a tired and sad expression.
In some cases the loose skin on the upper eyelid is even restricting the vision area of the eye. These unwanted, age related changes can be restored by an operation called Blepharoplasty. Although it is a small sized intervention, the results are changing the expression of the face impressively.
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and will last for 20-40 minutes, where excess skin and fat tissue will be removed and closed by aesthetic sutures.
After the operation the patient may have black eyes for four days. The patient can take a shower on the second day and may put on make-up on the third day to cover the color changes at the eyes. On the fifth day the stitches will be removed.
No scars will remain visible. The patient will return home right after the procedure.
Aesthetıcs Forehead And Brow
What is a brow lift?
Also known as a forehead lift, it minimizes and smooth out the creases that develop across the forehead, or those that occur high on the bridge of the nose; improves what are commonly referred to as frown lines; raises the upper lids and repositions a low or sagging brow.
Who is a suitable candidate for browlift surgery?
One or more of the following conditions may indicate that you are a good candidate for a face lift;
– Sagging or low position of the eyebrows, creating a tired or sad appearance,
– Deep horizontal creases across the forehead,
– Frown lines or furrows, between the eyebrows and sometimes across the top of the nose.
How long does a forehead lift last?
The results of a brow lift are permenent and changes may be subtle or dramatic depending on your appearance prior to surgery. You should expect to wait several weeks and even months to see your improved look. Any surgery offers improvement and doesn’t stop the ageing process.
How is the browlift procedure performed?
There are various methods of this procedure now being performed, the final decision will depend on many factors including the amount of excess skin, position of hairline and will be made between the patient and doctor.
a) Coronal brow lift (open) involves an incision that runs just behind and more or less parallel to the hairline, temple to temple. Creases are smoothed and the brow is lifted. This procedure slightly raises the hairline and therefore may not be suitable for male patients who may have receding hairlines or insufficient hair to hide the scar. The main benefit of this method is that excess skin can be removed rather than tightened and many believe it gives the most dramatic and lasting results.
b) Endoscopic brow lift is for patients with less laxity bing a less invasive procedure. Between 2-4 small incisions are made at different points within the hairline, a tiny camera is inserted underneath the skin to guide the surgeon as the forehead is lifted without raising the hairline. In this method, skin is removed at the hairline, rather than behind it. Incisions heal almost invisibly compared to the longer scar of the Coronal brow lift.
Benefits include;
Fewer Scars, faster recovery, can be performed at earliest signs of ageing and it is ideal for patients with minimal hair who have concerns about scarring.
Duration of operation; 1-1.5 hrs (under general anesthesia).
Hospital stay – Generally patients can leave the clinic the same day after recovery time at the clinic.
What do I expect after surgery?
Any initial swelling and bruising may be unevenness or asymmetrical, this is normal. Most swelling is usually seen during the first 24 to 48 hours and resolves within 2 weeks. There may be numbness to the forehea and this usually resolves within several months. Some hairloss at the scar line is also normal, this is temporary and will grow back.
How long will it be before I can get back to my normal life?
7-10 nights are recommended in Turkey following browlift surgery and return to work after this time is usual. Final results will be seen some months after surgery.
Can browlift surgery be performed without scar?
Scars are part of the healing process following an operation however due the location of the browlift scars they are generally easy to conceal and by following the surgoens guidelines with time they will fade and become barely perceptible.
The eyebrow show anger, worry, surprise and other emotions whilst drooping brows can give an appearance of tiredness and worry, a browlift repositions the brows to a more favourable position improving appearance.
Chin Augmentation
What is chin augmentation (Genioplasty-Mentoplasty)?
A procedure that corrects or reshapes a weak chin by augmentation with an implant to improve the shape and balance of the face. Some may require a surgical procedure in which the chin bone is moved forward to give them the desired appearance.
Who is a suitable candidate for chin augmentation surgery?
Usually candidates for chin augmentation are those who wanting definition to the face and bring the chin into proportion with the rest of the features of the face.
How long does chin augmentation last?
Results are permenent from this surgery however, an implant may shift over time or need to be exchanged or replaced.
How is the chin augmentation procedure performed?
Tailored to each patients needs the principal is to create a pocket at the chin into which an implant is placed. (Some patients need more extensive surgery to re-position the bone of the chin) The incision may be placed in the crease lines under the chin or in the mouth.
Duration of operation – 45 mins/1 hour (under general anesthesia).
Hospital stay -1 night.
What to expect immedaitely after surgery?
Patients will have a dressing that will remain in place for 2-3 days to minimalise the bruising and support the newly created shape. There may be tenderness, tightness and discomfort for the first few days and a liquid diet should be followed until stitches are removed. Talking, eating and smiling may be difficult fo the first few days. Any initial bruising with swelling should disappear within 7-10 days after surgery.
How can I hide the signs of the chin surgery?
Camouflage cosmetics including concealer, contour shadow and colour corrector. Lavender neutralizes or removes yellow and green has a similar effect on red.
How long will it be before I can get back to my normal life?
7-10 nights staying is recommended in Turkey following chin augmentation surgery. Most can return to work after 1 week.
Can chin augmentation surgery be performed without scar?
Scars for this procedure can usually be well hidden in the natural crease under the chin or within the mouth. Due to the swelling results may not be seen for some months following the surgery.
It is not unusual to combine this operation with rhinoplasty or other facial procedures to help give support to the face and neck and improve the facial profile.
Cosmetıc Ear Surgery
What is a ear surgery?
Otoplasty can dramatically change a person’s appearance simply by making protruding ears look more normal. Often the problem is caused by an undeveloped middle fold of the ear. There may be other deformities as well, making it necessary to perform several procedures on the ear at the same time.
Who is a suitable candidate for ear surgery?
One or more of the following conditions may indicate that you are a good candidate for lower eyelid surgery;
· Protruding ears,
· Large ears,
· Abnormally shaped ears.
Otoplasty can reshape the ears, reduce their size, make them more symmetrical and/or position them closer to the head. If you (or your child) are self-conscious about your ears, and always keep them covered with your hair, then this surgery can open up new possibilities for changing your appearance and your body image.
How is ear surgery procedure performed?
Begining with an incision just behind the ear, in the natural fold where the ear is joined to the head the surgeon will remove the necessary amounts of cartilage and skin required to achieve the right effect. Cartilage may be thinned, shaping it into a more desirable form and then secured with sutures.. In other instances, the surgeon will not remove any cartilage at all, using stitches to hold the cartilage permanently in place. After sculpting the cartilage to the desired shape, the surgeon will apply sutures to anchor the ear until healing occurs to hold the ear in the desired shape and position.
Duration of operation; 1-1.5 hours (local or under general anesthesia).
Hospital stay – Ususall not necessary.
What to expect immedaitely after surgery?
Soft dressings applied to the ears will remain for a few days. Most patients experience some mild discomfort, You cannot put any pressure on the ear areas and should sleep on your back. Headbands are sometimes recommended to hold the ears in the desired position for two weeks after the surgery.
How long will it be before I can get back to my normal life?
Adults and children are usually up and around a few hours after surgery, although you may prefer to stay overnight in the hospital with a child until all the effects of general anesthesia wear off The patients head will be wrapped in a bulking bandage to promote the best molding and healing. The ears may throb or ache a little for a few days, but this can be relieved by medication. Within a few days, the bulky bandages will be replaced by a lighter head dressing similar to a headband. Stitches are usually removed, or will dissolve, in about a week. Any activity in which the ear might be bent should be avoided for a month or so.
When can I return to work after ear surgery?
Most adults can go back to work about five days after surgery. Children can go back to school after seven days or so, if they’re careful about playground activity. You may want to ask your child’s teacher to keep an eye on the child for a few weeks.
Will ear surgery affect my hearing?
No. Only the outer ear is operated on, not the middle or inner ear, where hearing takes place.
Are the results of ear surgery long lasting?
Yes, results are usually permanent, although there is always some small amount of “springing back” of the ears due to the elastic recoil of the ear cartilage.
Can ear surgery be performed without scar?
Scars are part of the healing process and usually scars from ear surgery are hidden in the natural crease at the back of te ear so they are not visable. By following the surgoens guidelines with time they will fade and become barely perceptible.
In many cases ear surgery has the effect of creating normal-appearing ears that lie neatly, close to the side of the head, whilst keeping the scar hidden behind the ear.
Lıp Augmentation
Lip augmentation aesthetic is performed by injecting filling materials or fat tissues extracted by the patient him/herself. The filling materials have to be soft and collapsible. The most natural method without a risk is using of filling materials harvested from the own fat tissue of the body. The inserted filling materials have duration between a couple of months and one year, because most of the material will be absorbed by the body in time. For this reason the injections have to be repeated a second or even a third time after the estimated duration time of the filling material. After these corrections the augmentation will reach the wanted size and will stay permanent.
Application Type:
If the selected method is augmentation with fillers, the lips have to be numbed totally with a local anesthetic followed by a few minutes lasting injections. We have the opportunity to show the result during the injection and discuss the result on site, because the patient is totally conscious.
When the selected method is the injection of fat tissue, the patient has to undergo a short time anesthesia, because of the contact of the material with local anesthetics can shorten the duration of the filling material.
Upper Eye Lid Surgery
What is upper eyelid surgery?
Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and muscle from both the upper and lower eyelids along with underlying fatty tissue.
Blepharoplasty can improve drooping skin and bagginess.
It can help improve vision in older patients who have hooding of their upper eyelids. It can make a noticeable difference in the appearance of the face by reducing or even removing the appearance of tiredness and old age. Eyes appear fresher and more youthful.
Who is a suitable candidate for facelift surgery?
Any one of the following conditions may indicate that you are a good candidate for eyelid surgery;
– Excess skin obscuring the natural fold of the upper eyelids.
– Loose skin hanging down from the upper eyelids, perhaps impairing vision.
– A puffy appearance to the upper eyelids, making the eyes look tired.
How long does upper eyelid surgery last?
No guarantee can be given by anyone however, results of this procedure are long lasting. Removal of the fat from the eyelids which is often the cause of puffiness and bags, is permenant and this condition should not recur. Skin however continues to age and laxity together with fine wrinkles of the eyelid area may at some time return.
How is the eyelid procedure performed?
The incision is made in the natural skin fold of the upper eyelids, excess skin and fatty tissue is removed, the muscles and orbital septum (a thin connective tissue membrane) may be tightened and the incisions are carefully closed with fine sutures.
Duration of operation; 15-25 minutes (local anesthesia).
Recommended stay – No overnight stay unless performed in conjunction with multi procedure operation and / nights in Turkey.
What to expect immedaitely after surgery?
Initially, you may feel a tight sensation around the eyes, with minor discomfort that lasts for a day or two. People who have had the procedure are often surprised at how painless eyelid surgery can be. At first the incisions will be red, bumpy and sore, these will eventually sooth out and become almost invisible. Any swelling and bruising usually disappears within 7-10 days (varies from person to person). Vision may be blurred for a few days and your eyes may be sensitive to light. Stitches will be removed at the end of the first week, within another few days cover up make-up can be used to conceal any discolouration.
How long will it be before I can get back to my normal life?
straining, bending and lifting should be avoided during the early postoperative perio however you will be able to resume most of your normal activities in 10 days or less. You should not wear contact lenses for a week or two.
Can eyelid surgery be performed without scar?
Scars are part of the healing process following any operation but with eyelid surgery these are placed within the normal creases and folds of the upper eyelid. Remaining slightly pink – red for 6 months or so they can be concealed with makeup eventually fading to a thin, nearly invisible white line.
The blepharoplasty procedure will not eradicate the wrinkles around the eyes (crow’s feet) nor will it elevate droopy eyebrow. There are other procedures designed for these purposes. Dark circles under the eyes may improve a bit if this is related to large bags, but most often the dark appearance of the lower eyelid skin remains.
Upper eyelid blepharoplasty can make a remarkable difference in the appearance of the face, alleviating the appearance of tiredness and old age. The eyes appear fresher and more youthful, and these results may last for many years. The degree of improvement varies from patient to patient.
Lower Eyelıd Surgery
Mını Facelıft Surgery
What is a mini facelift?
As we grow older the skin covering the fatty tissue on our faces begins to loosen and sag in various places. This loosening of skin produces wrinkles and enhances skin folds of the face, mini facelifts are generally appropriate for people who show aging in the mid-face and do not have a severe amount of excess skin around their jaw line and neck. Mini facelifts do not stop the aging process but merely set the clock back.
Who is a suitable candidate for facelift surgery?
One or more of the following conditions may indicate that you are a good candidate for a facelift;
A deep line, or fold, running from the corner of your nose to the corner of your mouth.
– A slight jowling, or loss of a well-defined jawline associated with youthfulness.
– Wrinkles in the cheeks and sagging of the “highlight” areas of the cheekbones.
How long does a facelift last?
No guarantee can be given by anyone. Whilst a younger appearance can be achieved ageing doesn’t stop. And the results os a mini lift are not as long lasting as those of a full face lift.
Where are the scars placed for a mini lift?
The scars from mini facelifts usually fade becoming barely perceptible. An advantage is that sometimes scars may be as little as one-half the length of traditional face lifts however the disadvantage is that results are not as long lasting due to the procedure itself.
What is the ndifference between a mini lift and a full facelift?
A mini face lift has a shorter, more limited incision than that of a traditional face lift. The incision used for a mini face lift may sometimes be as little as one-half the length of a traditional face lift incision and eliminates most of the incisions behind the ears.
How is the facelift procedure performed?
Incisions usually begin above the hairline at the temples, follow the natural line in front of the ear. And membrane, pulls the skin back, and removes the excess. Stitches secure the layers of tissue and close the incisions.
Duration of operation – 2 hours (under general anesthesia).
Hospital stay – 1 night.
How long should I plan to stay in Turkey with this procedure?
One week.
What to expect immedaitely after surgery?
Minimal facelifts can be performed quickly and with little risk, but the degree of correction achieved by these lifts is also less. 7-10 nights stay is recommended in Turkey following facelift surgery. Most can return to work within 2 weeks however final results will take longer to be seen.
Your face and head may feel tight and sore, it will be wrapped in bandages to help minimise bruising and swelling for the first 24-48hrs. Initilally you may feel emotional and cold but these feelings are temporary. Bruising and swelling are common after face and neck surgery but both feelings and apperance are transient and usually start to subside after the first week.
How can I hide the signs of the facial surgery?
Camouflage cosmetics including concealer, contour shadow and colour corrector. Lavender neutralizes or removes yellow, and green has a similar effect on red.
How long will it be before I can get back to my normal life?
Most patients are able to return to work in one to twoweeks after short-scar face lift plastic surgery. You should allow four weeks before major social engagements.
When can I return to work following mini lift?
Most can return to work within 1-2 weeks however final results will take longer to be seen.
When considering a mini facelift it should be remembered that the procedure will leave you younger and fresher looking however more extensive techniques can give better correction of the aging changes in the face, but at the cost of greater roperating time, more risk, longer swelling, slower recovery, and greater cost. Make sure that you discuss your goals, budget, and risk tolerance with your surgeon to decide on the plan that is best for you.
In many cases a facelift is performed along with other procedures such as brow and forehead lifts, eyelid surgery, facial liposuction, chin augmentation and nose surgery for an overall more youthful appearance.
Haır Transplantatıon
Hair transplantation is one of the most commonly performed operations, especially amongst the men. Hair loss, in other words alopecia, is a problem that affects mainly the men and the half of the population older than 50 years, however scientifically proven methods help to restore the lost hair and solve this problem.
Hair naturally thins as part of the ageing process. You just have to compare the figures – the average 20 year old has 600 hairs per sq cm on their head, and the average 50 ear old has less than half that number. Hair loss is generally less of a problem for women because their hair tends to decrease evenly over the scalp, resulting in thinner rather than distinct bald patches.
Operation duration – Dependents on area (2-7 Hours).
Anesthetic – Local or sedation.
Number of treatments – Multiple sessions over 1-2 years.
Results Permanent.
Causes of hair loss may include;
– Pregnancy and the Pill. Hormonal changes can cause hair loss, but this is virtually always temporary. It is
important to be very gentle with your hair and avoid harsh products or treatments.
– Smoking. This affects the body’s take-up of vitamin C and constricts the blood vessels, which means fewer
nutrients reach the hair to encourage growth.
– Drinking Alcohol destroys B vitamins, which are essential for healthy glossy hair.
– Stress. Anxiety and stress can lead to hair problems and can even cause it to fall out. Try gentle scalp massage
to stimulate the follicles.
– Poor diet. Thinning hair or hair loss can be associated with a lack of iron, B and C vitamins and Iysine. Try to
boost your diet and include plenty of water and essential fatty acids.
– Perming, bleaching or dyeing. If constantly over-treated, hair can become brittle and break off close to the
scalp. Seek professional advice from a reputable hair salon.
Hair….as you age…
Hair loss commonly starts on the frontal area and then extends backwards in the men. The treatment is easier in men in whom the hair loss process occurs locally and more expected as compared to women, in whom alopecia occurs more diffusely. However, in women in whom the alopecic area is concentrated in a local area as in men, the treatment is more successful. Additionally, the treatment is more difficult in certain conditions as hair loss after radiotherapy or chemotherapy etc.
It is very important for you to avoid aspirin, Vit E, anti-inflammatuars etc. that increase the bleeding, days or even weeks before the operation.
Should you need to take a medication, it is advised that you consult your doctor. A mild dinner without alcohol followed by a good rest one night before and a shower after a mild breakfast in the morning of the operation date are recommended.
Hair transplantation involves removing small pieces of hair-bearing scalp grafts from a donor site and relocating them to a bald or thinning area. Grafts differ by size and shape. Round-shaped punch grafts usually contain about 10-15 hairs. The much smaller mini-graft contains about two to four hairs; and the micro-graft, one to two hairs. Slit grafts, which are inserted into slits created in the scalp, contain about four to 10 hairs each; strip grafts are long and thin and contain 30-40 hairs.
Hair loss is primarily genetic and in our genes, it is difficult to avoid, caused by a combination of ageing, a change in hormones and a family history of baldness. As a rule, the earlier hair loss begins, the more severe the baldness will become. Hair loss can also be caused by burns, trauma, skin diseases, accidents, in which case hair replacement surgery is considered a reconstructive treatment. Watching our hair literally go down the drain, exploring the alopecic area extends progressively and trying to hide the alopecic areas with the remaining hair or hiding our heads under a cap actually make our lives more difficult and more stressful.
Women can also benefit from hair transplant. Hair loss in women can be caused by ageing, illness, or hormonal changes after menopause. Women tend to experience a subtle thinning all over the scalp rather than losing hair in patches as is common in men. To correct the problem, some women choose to wear a wig or hair extensions, while others have had some success using a topical prescriptive drug. The effectiveness of such drugs varies in some patients and simply prevents further hair loss without stimulating any appreciable new growth. Hair replacement surgery may be the answer for those who feel uncomfortable with either of these options.
Reasons for having Hair Transplant include:
a) To increase self confidence and enhance self image.
b) To give a more youthful appearance in a natural way.
c) To cover balding or loss of hair that cannot be achieved by another method.
The best candidates are those who are in good physical health, are mentally and psychologically stable, preferably do not smoke, those who want to improve their appearance and those who have realistic expectations about the procedure and the results.
Hair loss in both men and women can have a significant effect both on appearance and self confidence. the FUE hair transplantation method offers everyone a chance to look and feel better about themselves again.